Niestandardowe opaski na rękę Tyvek | Spersonalizowane opaski na rękę | Opaski na rękę Chiny

Wristband for your upcoming event. Design Tyvek or vinyl wristbands with basic or advanced wristband design tools. Custom printed; clear.


Custom Tyvek wristbands provide extra security for your event or venue. If you order regular, stock, off-the-shelf wristbands, anyone can copy them. But customizing your wristband, you’re using something no one else has. We can customize any of our Tyvek wristbands with your own logo, images and text. We offer a variety of colors to make your wristband stand out.

Personalized, promotional, custom wristbands are a great way to not only keep your event safe with a design unique to your event, but also to showcase your event sponsors. If you host a festival or event, consider selling the space on the wristband to a sponsor as part of a sponsorship package.

Nie jesteśmy firmą handlową, ale producentem współpracującym bezpośrednio z klientem. Naszą misją jest wyeliminowanie bólu związanego z drukowaniem i uczynienie go prostym, szybkim i niedrogim bez uszczerbku dla jakości.

Provide our company with the material, size, quantity, or special process requirements of the printed product, and we will quickly quote you (the price shown is for the convenience of taking the number of pieces rather than the product price)

Shenzhen KAYU Printing Co., Ltd


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